Howe Sound and Sechelt Cellular Equipment Locations Click for more details
9 Visitors Online


Strait of Georgia
Map of Howe Sound
Map courtesy MapBlast
Maps may not show all sites. Providers constantly add and modify and updates depend on visitors such as yourself -- if you know of a new or modified site that is not shown then please submit the details to

Dash polygons indicate coverage areas of each provider. Tests of coverage areas were initially conducted in April 2000 using various hand-held phones on all networks in an outdoors environment. Coverage areas may vary somewhat with different equipment types, special antennae, or within buildings or ships. Telus Mobility in blue, Rogers in red, Telus Mike in orange, Microcell PCS in purple, Bell Mobility in black.
Five digit red numbers indicate Rogers SID numbers that can be used to determine your local calling area.

Maps Section [Vancouver Island/Strait of Georgia]