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About GeckoBeach
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Welcome to GeckoBeach, The Cellular and Mobile Phone Resource Site!

GeckoBeach offers unbiased and independent consumer information on cellular and mobile phones. GeckoBeach is not affiliated with any phone manufacturer or wireless service provider nor does GeckoBeach sell phones or phone accessories to help fund this website.

This web site was created in 1998 after realizing the confusion of the North American cellular market for consumers. GeckoBeach was originally targeted for consumers living in Canada, but now the site is a resource for people not only in North America, but from around the world. GeckoBeach hosts over 100,000 user sessions per month.

GSM Phone covers for sale at a medina stall in Sousse, Tunisia
GeckoBeach offers unbiased consumer information on the following topics:
  • Choosing a wireless service provider
  • If signing a contract is in your best interest
  • Frequently asked questions and a wireless glossary
  • Comparisons of monthly, pre-paid, and wireless data plans between major Canadian providers
  • Selected handset reviews
  • Opinions of major Canadian service providers
  • Wireless phone articles
  • Identification and locations of cellular and mobile phone transmission towers
  • Handset tips and secrets
  • Roaming numbers for Canada and the USA plus tips for taking your phone abroad
  • A newsletter
GeckoBeach is designed and created by Steve Romaine, who lives in Victoria, British Columbia. GeckoBeach.com is hosted courtesy of Aerohost Web Systems. Web site sponsorship is made possible by the banner and skyscraper ads you see on various pages, which offset domain registration costs, wireless service testing, and hosting of web site images. If you have enjoyed this site then please visit some of our ad sponsors.

Next to search engines, most of GeckoBeach's visitors come from word-of-mouth. If you have enjoyed this site then please pass along the web site address to your friends.

If you'd like to learn more about GeckoBeach, then please select any of the links below:

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If you'd like to know more about GeckoBeach or have a question then please contact me.

