Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
Purpose and Contacts
Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
- The information provided on this site is free of charge and may be printed provided that the information and images on the page(s) are not altered or removed and the source of the page (GeckoBeach.com) is clearly shown on each page. Under no circumstances may material be electronically copied from this site and mirrored in whole or in part on another internet or intranet site without prior authorization. If you use the information on this site as a major reference source for a written or oral article or report then as a courtesy I would appreciate an article reprint.
|  Various cellular phones for sale in Hakodate, Japan |
- Images found on this site may be copied and placed in reports or other forms of print and/or electronic documentation (excluding web pages) or software without permission provided that the documentation is credited with the source of the image (GeckoBeach.com) and the photographers' name listed with the picture (all pictures shown without credits were taken by Steve Romaine). Images may not be copied from this site and placed on another internet site in a web format (gif, jpeg, etc) without prior authorization. Images may be used with PDF and other rich-text formats on web pages provided that the above credit requirements are followed. Images on this site are of internet-quality, however most images are available as high quality bitmap format and/or 35 mm prints on request.
- Some pages within this site give information on equipment test modes and debug features. These test modes are primarily for network technicians and not for use by the general public. Field Test codes and other secrets are given for the interest of site readers to further their knowledge on how both their handset and their wireless network operates. If you attempt to enter a test mode based on information provided here, then you accept all risks associated with potentially causing serious and possibly unrecoverable damage that may occur to your handset.
- GeckoBeach does not provide information on obtaining unlocking codes to phones. Emails regarding the unlocking of handsets or other hardware or firmware alterations to handsets will not be entertained.
- Maps of cellular equipment and tower locations are based on visual observations and public information only and not all sites are shown. Maps are not intended to give service coverage areas, unless coverage polygons have been drawn on them (at present this only applies to the marine coverage maps). For detailed coverage areas please check with your service provider. I do not post classified information from any of the wireless phone service providers regarding site locations.
Purpose and Contacts
GeckoBeach is not related to any cellular provider company or cell phone manufacturer. GeckoBeach provides unbiased information on the cellular market to visitors of the site. Funding and operation of the site is received in part from donations of web hosting services and the banner ads that appear on most pages. Some information on this site is obtained from service provider pages, discussion boards and site visitors.
If you have found this site useful and would like to contribute, might I suggest one or more of the following:
- Tell your friends and co-workers about GeckoBeach;
- Visit some of our advertising sponsors; or
- If you are feeling really generous, then donations using PayPal in either Canadian or US currency are always more than welcome.
The web site has been running since early 1998, but the GeckoBeach name came into existence in July 1999. If you would like more information about GeckoBeach.com or have a question you'd like answered then please see the contacts page. |
 Downward-facing cell on top of the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France |