If you live or are visiting a foreign country and are willing to shoot a few pictures of mobile phone equipment, then your photo and name credit could be on one of these pages.
International Pictures: Asia | Europe | Middle East | Australia | Central America | South America | Africa | Antarctica
African Mobile Equipment Pictures
Tunisia has two providers, Tunisiana and Tunisie Telecom, offering GSM service in the 900 MHz band. I didn't end up taking too many shots of mobile phone equipment in Tunisia simply because it rained most of the time I was there. Towers are not hidden at all and most of them can be easily spotted on the tops of the low-rise buildings throughout the country. Needless to say the coverage is excellent and follows European standards.
GSM tower next to a mosque minaret in Tunis |
Morocco has two providers offering GSM service in the 900 MHz band. Coverage is also excellent and may be in part due to the number of European tourists that visit Morocco.
On the rooftop of the Hotel Ali in Marrakesh you can sit and watch the daily market and entertainment (or take pictures of GSM cell towers). |
 Tower next to the Maroc Telecom (or Itissalat Al-Maghrib S.A in Arabic) building in Essaouira
Méditel Cell on Wheels at the market in Marrakesh. |
Zambia & Zimbabwe
My travels to these two countries were limited to the usual tourist destination of Victoria Falls. Both countries offer GSM service and as usual coverage is excellent. |
A choice of five providers using 900 MHz GSM! Make sure you know your roaming charges since they may vary by up to $3/min!
 Two fake palm trees holding mobile phone transmission equipment near the Zambian side of the falls. There are no other palm trees around (see below; picture taken from Zimbabwe side), so why go to all the trouble to install an eyesore of two fake palm trees instead of just a tower?!? |
Botswana has fairly decent GSM coverage offered by both Mascom and Orange in major cities and along major highways, however out in the bush don't expect your phone to work. Most game reserves use radios for communications and there are satellite phones if you really do need to call civilization.
Elephants don't like Nokia ringtones!
 Typical tower, located in the Okavango Delta
At present Namibia has only one GSM provider, although the government announced that a second license was to be awarded near the end of 2003. MTC (short for "Making The Connection") Namibia provides cellular services to one of the most sparely populated countries in the world with an average population density of about 2 persons/km2. None-the-less, MTC has excellent coverage to most urban centres and along major routes.
MTC GSM tower in Swakopmund
MTC GSM tower in Windhoek
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Welcome to Solitaire, 23° 53.708' S x 016° 00.164' E or basically in the middle of nowhere. Solitaire doesn't even come close to being called a "one horse town". Facilities include petrol (gasoline) and diesel on good days, homemade apple pies, 'real' (not instant) coffee, and a small hotel and campground. Yet despite all this you can pull out your phone and it will work! Solitaire holds the world record for the longest distance cellular repeater at 64.2 km, installed in May 2003.