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Australian/Oceania Mobile Equipment Pictures
One in every two Australians owns a mobile phone and as such the network coverage is very good both in urban centres and along the routes that connect them. There are three major service providers in Australia: Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone. All providers offer GSM services either in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands. In 1999 the 800 MHz AMPS (analog) services were discontinued and both Telstra and Optus are now using their 800 MHz spectrum allocation to provide 800 CDMA services in addition to their GSM services. Telstra claims to have the most extensive network covering 95% of the population (about 6% of the total land area).
Cells are easy to spot regardless where in the world you are. These were spotted across the street from the Glebe Point YHA, Sydney, NSW.
To learn what cells each provider uses, a good guide is to find a building owned by a provider. Blake Crosby snapped these Telstra cells in Sydney. |
Assorted cells across from the Brisbane city hall.
Telstra CDMA cells in Bryon Bay, NSW.
 A well-hidden Telstra cell on a water tower, Bryon Bay. |