
Record of Site Changes: 2005
9 Visitors Online

Changes 2005 | Changes 2004 | Changes 2003 | Changes 2002 | Changes 2001 | Changes 2000 | Changes 1999 | Changes 1998

01 March: Added LG 125 Review (thanks Qrystal!)
11 February: Added Aliant Mobility rates to the Pre-paid plans comparison page.
11 February: Updates to the Pre-paid plans comparison page.
06 February: Added new roaming numbers search function to the roaming numbers page.
05 February: Added Motorola RAZR V3c review.
03 February: Updates to Choosing a VoIP Service Provider.
31 January: Added UBC campus cellular coverage map (Thanks starletrealm).
26 January: Updates to the P.E.I. roaming numbers page.
26 January: Updates to the Nova Scotia roaming numbers page.
26 January: Updates to the Newfoundland roaming numbers page.
25 January: Updates to the roaming instructions page.
25 January: Added My Comments on Aliant Mobility.
25 January: Updates to the New Brunswick roaming numbers page.
24 January: Added Aliant Mobility rates to the Monthly plan comparison page.
23 January: Updates to the FAQ pages.
23 January: Updates to the Monthly plan comparison page.
23 January: Updates to the St. John's, Newfoundland North and South maps.


Site Changes